Welcome to UnmutedThreads. An art/resale/protest shop that encourages all of us to unmute, find community, and make change.

Justice is in the fabric of our being. We can’t sit quietly when unjust leaders work to undo all we should stand for. It’s not always easy for most to raise their voice in protest. UnmutedThreads lets you do that without saying a word.

At UnmutedThreads ALL ARE WELCOME! (except bigots)

How this works.

  • Step 1: Shop

    Browse the available pieces. Add what you love to your cart. Remember, each piece is one of a kind. When it’s gone, it’s gone. So don’t hesitate!

  • Step 2: Complete your cart

    After you’ve picked your pieces, submit your cart to send me your order. Nothing is priced so your cart will always say $0.

    You’ll go to Pay Here next to contribute what you’d like.

  • Step 3: Pay Here!

    After you’ve sent me your order through the cart, hop over to the “Pay Here” button at the top of the site or in the menu to contribute what you want! Items can be shipped, picked up, or dropped off locally. (Yes we know it would be easier to have this button on the cart page, but the website won’t let us :)